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10 Jan 2023


Jonathan Carroll B.Eng(Electrical)
Director & Engineering Manager


• WorkSafe Victoria. (2019). Arc flash hazards. • Electrical Safety Office Queensland. (2019). Arc flash hazards. • National Fire Protection Association. (2016). NFPA 70E: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association.

Arc Flash Analysis

As an Australian business owner, employee safety should be your top priority. One hazard that can pose a serious threat to your employees is an arc flash, a type of electrical explosion that can occur when electrical current is disrupted. Arc flashes can cause severe burns, injuries, and even fatalities. That's why it's essential to conduct an arc flash analysis to identify potential hazards and protect your employees. Here are five reasons why arc flash analysis is a crucial step for any business:

1. To comply with regulations: In Australia, the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act requires employers to protect their employees from hazards, including electrical hazards. Conducting an arc flash analysis is one way to meet this requirement and ensure that you're providing a safe working environment.

2. To identify the arc flash boundary: An arc flash boundary is the distance from an electrical panel or equipment at which an arc flash could occur. Knowing this distance is crucial because it determines the protective clothing and equipment your employees need to wear when working on or near electrical panels or equipment.

3. To determine incident energy levels: Incident energy is the amount of energy released during an arc flash event. It's important to know the incident energy levels in your workplace because it determines the type and amount of protective gear your employees need to wear.

4. To reduce the risk of injury or death: By conducting an arc flash analysis, you can identify and eliminate potential hazards, reducing the risk of injury or death to your employees.

5. Electrical Projects Australia uses SKM Powertools software to perform arc flash analyses. This software is recognised as a reliable tool for calculating incident energy levels and arc flash boundaries.

In conclusion, arc flash analysis is crucial for ensuring the safety of your employees and compliance with OHS regulations. Electrical Projects Australia is a company that can perform arc flash analysis and consult on all aspects of the arc flash field. Don't wait any longer – contact Electrical Projects Australia today to schedule your arc flash analysis.

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